Israel 2007



The lions in front of the town hall in Jerusalem are not what you would traditionally expect.

View of the Wailing Wall



The Dome of the Rock, one of the most holy places for Muslims. Astrid has to wear longs sleeves, despite the heat.

The Church of All Nations was build in the 1920’s and funded by Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Mexico, Italy, France, Spain, England, Belgium, Canada, Germany, the United States of America, Ireland, Hungary, Poland and Australia.



Yad Vashem is the memorial, museum and research center to remember the Holocaust in the Second World War



Masada is a ruin of a fortress build by King Herod in the first century before Christ. It become famous in the first century after Christ when the defenders committed mass suicide rather than being captured by the Romans.

Floating on the Dead Sea. The shores of the Dead Sea are the lowest land on Earth. The water is very salty and contains over 30% salts.

Petra is one of the 7 new world wonders and rightfully so. You reach it by going through a long gorge. At the end you see the Treasury, a spectacular building. There is much more to Petra and you can spend hours exploring it on foot, on donkey or on camelback.

The Royal Tombs in Petra

On the way from Petra to the Red Sea we passed through some landscapes that reminded me of the Grand Canyon in the US.

In Eilat we went to see a nice Sea Aquarium. We wanted to go swimming with dolphins but this was a cage in the harbor L

Back in Tel Aviv we visted the Jewish Diaspora museum that describes the live of Jews around the world.

View of Tel Aviv from the Old Harbour


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