
In the spring of 1999 we went to Kenya. The main goal of this trip was to show the beautifull African wildlife to the kids and I can say that we were very lucky. We saw the big 5 (Elephant, Buffalo, Lion, Giraffe and Leopard) and enjoyed the African scenery. At the end of the trip we relaxed a bit at the beach near Mombassa.

Buffalo in Masai Mara

Two young Cheetah

Masai Mara was our first destination. It is one of the larger parks and continues into Tanzania as Serengeti National Park. We saw a lot of wildlife despite the high grass. There were lions everywhere. We also saw severals herds of buffalo and lots of baby animals.


Three Giraffes in line

Eating Leopard

Fishing Eagle

If you are really lucky you get to see a leopard. We were even more lucky to spot a leopard that had just made a kill.

Group of Oryx

Drinking Buffalo

More to the north we went to Samburu National Park. This park is very dry compared to Masai Mara and both the vegitation and the animals are completely different from those in Masai Mara.

Male Lion

Eating Gerenouk

Geysers at Lake Baringo

Relaxing at the beach

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