Myanmar 2012 / 2013



Shwedagon Pagoda is the holiest place in Myanmar.  The big golden stupa, with may jewels in the top, can be seen from most places in Yangon.

Sule pagoda is the starting point for all distance measurements.

Botataung temple contains a shire with a hair of Buddah.

  Bagan plain is littered with tempels.It is said there are between 2000 and 4000. Ananda Pahto is one of the biggest and still in use.

Buddah in Anada Phato 

Shwesandaw Paya with the artificial new palace in the back

Temple in the fields



Bagan plains at sun set.

Palace wall and moat in Mandalay.

Mandalay Palace inside the walls.

U Thein Bridge, the longest teak bridge in the world.

View from Sagaing Hill, which is dotted with temples, to the Ayeyarwaddy River

Inwa, one of the old capitals, is now a rural area, which can be explored by horse cart.

Sandamuni Paya with hundreds of white stupa’s

Shwenandaw Kyang, a temple built for King Mindon. Because the King’s ghost would not leave, the temple was taken apart and rebuild outside the palace walls. As a result of that, it survived the destructions of WW II

Rowing with your leg and fishing, a sight that can be seen on Inle Lake

Market near Inle Lake

Market near Inle Lake


Inthein is a village a bit up one of the rivers that flows into the lake. Getting there is a nice trip and Inthein itself has many attractive ruins.


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