Wonders of the World

In 2007 seven new wonders of the world have been nominated. During my travels I have seen these wonders and other sites which have been nominated. Some of the wonders deserve to be on the list, others have been voted in because they are located in countries with many people voting for them. Here is my list.



The Taj Mahal, in Agra, India. I agree this is one of the most beautiful buildings in the world and is on my list as well.

The Great Wall of China, also a justified wonder.



Matchu Pitchu in Peru, a superb site in a fantastic location !

Petra, the rock hewn city in the dessert of Jordan. Striking and impressive.




The Colloseum, nice but on the list because it is in Europe?

Chiczen Itza, not bad but not in the same class as the previous monuments.

Christ the Redeemer, too new, lacks style. Should not have been on this list.


Angor in Cambodia, should be on the list as it is a true marvel in a glorious setting.



The pyramids of Gizeh, the only ones that were on the original list of wonders and should have been left on.

Borobudur in Indonesia. Heavens according to the Hindu’s with volcano’s in the back



St Peters cathedral in the Vatican, a candidate for a European site.

Acropolis in Athens, an other option for a European site.


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